Learn to Monitor Your Thinking
Guest: Dr. Roger Hall | Season 10, Ep. 408

“We all have gifts. I think it is my responsibility to use mine to build into as many lives as possible in my life, beyond my reach, and beyond my life. I don’t know how to build bridges, I don’t have a whiz bang invention, but I do know how to influence others and change their thinking. Their changed thinking changes their lives. That is my job – by speaking, writing, or coaching.” – Dr. Roger Hall 

Author of Staying Happy, Being Productive: The Big 10 Things Successful, Dr. Roger Hall helps people learn to monitor and manage their thinking. For over 25 years, he has consulted with leaders from all types of companies, judges in federal courts, university faculty, social workers, teachers, nurses, construction workers, landscapers, and box-makers. He helps his clients become better versions of themselves so they can improve their own lives and the lives of those they serve.

About Dr. Roger Hall

Roger does his best as a speaker to keep people like him engaged in what he’s talking about. He has had the good fortune to work with entrepreneurs, tech companies, big Fortune 20 companies, and professionals like lawyers, financial planners, and other high relationship sales people. Roger wants to influence our culture, so he likes working with companies that distribute information, create technology, and create entertainment.

Mentioned in the Episode: 

  • How he helps people monitor and manage their thinking.
  • Unpacking his book, Staying Happy, Being Productive: The Big 10 Things Successful.
  • Some of his favorite takeaways from his book which include getting more sleep.
  • What are some of the tools and assignments he gives people to help manage their thoughts.
  • The benefits of checking in with your thoughts every hour to help you monitor them and notice common themes.
  • How you can break the cycle in negative thought loops and emotions.
  • What steps you can do to replace false, negative thoughts with accurate, true counter thoughts.
  • The importance of loving relationships for wellbeing.
  • How the lack of human interaction and connection has impacted our mental health in 2020 and now in 2021.
  • What advice he would give to leader


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