Pause, refresh, and also remember that change is constant.

Guest: Edith Varley | Season 11, Ep. 482

A real giver is a generous receiver, those are two sides of the same coin. – Edith Varley

Join us as we gather to reset our new daily rhythm and build resilience during this time of change.

Today, I’m excited to have Edith Varley. Edith is a speaker, advisor, educator and the founder of The Varley Group where she drives an outcome-based mission to transform human potential into constructive contribution. In her practice, she uses systems thinking initiatives to identify needs and establish outcome-based objectives.

Prior to founding The Varley Group in 2000, she served for 25 years in the business of chemical manufacturing where she started in sales and ultimately led the company as CEO and owner. During her tenure, Edie helped people find the meaning in their work and the value in their contribution and as CEO led the company to double-digit net operating profit.

I’m happy to have Edith share how they’re finding Rhythm and Resilience right now, and how we can do the same. I invite you to tune in using the login information below, as we unite as a community.

Looking forward to spending time together for some R & R.

I believe the most valuable, renewable resource in the world is the Human Spirit. – Edith Varley

Join Dr. Michelle and Edith as they talk about:

  • How to take advantage of this time to pause, refresh, and also remember that change is constant.
  • The moment she realized she was running on fear and how she developed emotional intelligence to regain her power.
  • Why short term stress will make you ‘awake and alarmed’ but constant stress will ‘eat you alive.’
  • How the practice of being present will help you keep your stress levels at bay.

Learn how you can continue growing during this time as Edith shares:

  • What exactly emotional intelligence is and how to apply it to your life.
  • How to stay loyal to the honor code that we have with ourselves and others.
  • Why taking time for yourself for self-care is making you ‘self-full,’ not selfish.
  • Fun activities you can do with your family at home.
  • Why emotional intelligence is a never ending journey we can continue to enjoy and learn from each day.

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