Why Curiosity is Stronger Than Force

Guest: Rachel Freiman | Season 10, Ep. 430

“You get to make a choice that’s bigger than this moment.” – Rachel Freiman

Did you know Americans spend a whopping $33 billion (yes, BILLION!) on diet products every year? Yet most diet programs and products are designed to go against our human nature (to avoid pain and seek pleasure). During today’s show, Dr. Michelle Robin invites Rachel Freiman to share her profound journey of going from a successful jazz musician in New York City to a major influencer in the nutrition and fitness industry. Her story tells what happened when she started exploring the health industry, finding that diet culture is all about living in an uncomfortable and self-sabotaging state, which isn’t how we were designed to live. It’s also why people so often fail along this path. She’ll also explain what T.F.A.R. means and how it can help us navigate and break down those major life overhauls that so many people are chasing. Grab a pen to jot down some notes – this episode is packed with truth, guidance, and a high vibration of good energy!

About Today’s Guest:

Rachel Freiman is the CEO of MindStrong Fitness, a lover of lifting heavy things up and down, and a coach passionate about helping others unleash their strongest, most empowered selves through education and mindset training. She has more than 15 years of classroom instruction, and certifications in personal training, sports nutrition, and behavior modification. She has studied the Neuroscience of Nutrition under the renowned Dr. Nicole Avena, visiting professor of Neuroscience at Princeton University. Rachel is the author of the bestselling book Becoming MindStrong: The Truth About Health, Fitness, and the Bullsh*t That’s Holding You Back. She developed MindStrong Fitness with an inside-out approach, to focus on both physical and mental attributes in building healthy, sustainable habits. When she’s not in the gym, Rachel enjoys exploring the world, snuggling with her puppy, Charlie, eating, and thinking about the next time she’ll be eating.


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