How Kindness Creates a Ripple

Guest: Paula Felps | Season 12, Ep. 493

Imagine how a simple act of kindness can ripple through time, changing lives in ways you never expected.

Every small act of kindness creates a ripple, and Paula reminds us of its immense power to transform lives. She shares a heartfelt story about how her mother’s simple gesture of kindness toward a shunned family impacted not just that family, but also an entire community over time. Paula’s work with the Live Happy Now podcast and her commitment to spreading happiness shows that kindness isn’t just a lofty ideal—it’s an actionable practice that anyone can incorporate into their lives. By setting simple intentions each day, like kindness, we can lift ourselves and those around us, even in the most unexpected ways. So, what’s stopping you from spreading kindness today? You never know whose life you’ll change, including your own.

About the Guest:

Paula Felps is a freelance writer, author, and host of the weekly Live Happy Now podcast, where she interviews psychologists, scientists, authors, and other experts to help listeners better understand the connection between our daily practices and our personal well-being. On her monthly On a Positive Note podcast, Paula explores how music can lift our spirits, heal our hearts, and improve our mental health. She is a big fan of music, nature, and animals, and loves making people laugh.



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