“Everywhere you wear this message or carry it, it creates kinder behavior.” – Kris Wittenberg
As we begin our final countdown to launching the 31-Day Kindness Campaign, Dr. Michelle Robin welcomes a very dear and longtime friend to the show, Kris Wittenberg. Kris is the founder of Be Good to People (BGTP), a company that came to be after a negative encounter with a stranger one afternoon in 2008. In today’s episode, Dr. Robin reveals why the Be Good to People Foundation has come on board as the Presenting Sponsor this year for the Kindness Campaign. Giving back has always been at the root of Be Good to People. Since day one, 2% of every BGTP merchandise purchase goes to the Be Good to People Foundation to celebrate other GoodDoers(TM) and their nonprofits, support kind work in communities, and to build kindness education programs in schools. Also in today’s episode, Dr. Robin and Kris share an important story about how they met, the wellness benefits of kindness, their personal mental health journey, and why being kind has been hard for many people during these times. Kris wraps up the conversation with some advice she would give younger generations about kindness.
About Today’s Guest:
In the spring of 2008, Kris Wittenberg was out at lunch in her small town of Eagle, Colorado, when a woman was rude to her. Looking back, she doesn’t retain the exact details, but she does remember what happened that afternoon after the encounter. She came back to her office and wondered why people can’t just be good to people. After creating a t-shirt with the words, “Be Good to People” – the brand was born and quickly gained attention among humanity, even earning two kiosks at the Denver International Airport to remind travelers about being kind and providing an opportunity to purchase some of the gear.
Mentioned in the Episode:
- BeGoodToPeople.com
- Contact Be Good to People about co-branded gear
- Be Good to People Merchandise
- BGTPFoundation.org
- www.BigShifts.org/Kindness – Sign up for the free email series
- 31 Days of Kindness Decks – for Ages 18 and Up
- 7 Days of Kindness for Kids Decks – Ages 5 through 18
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